Peritus — Fast answers to cloud-native questions in Slack & Chrome
Peritus provides recommended answers and experts continuously trained from public conversations and trusted content in the cloud-native space. You can leverage a Chrome extension to find answers while browsing StackOverflow or other cloud-native communities. Or you can install the Peritus Assistant in your Slack community to allow your users to search content easily right from within your community—ensuring they don't need to leave to find what they need.

Good morning ☀️ What do your Saturday plans include?
I had to drop my family off at the school this morning for a football game-day trip. On the way, I took the back roads and enjoyed every view of the cows I could get on that 12-mile trip. I don't know what it is about cows—it's either their relaxing vibes or the fact that their faces are one of the cutest things on earth. Watching them relaxes me. Which is exactly what I need this beautiful morning.
Life hasn't been easy, for anyone
Life hasn't been easy lately, if you're following me on Twitter you've likely seen quite a bit of it. And I have a lot of work to catch up on after being fairly depressed this summer. Getting covid recently & having plenty of time to think, I realized I wasn't finding passion in my work any longer and I needed to figure that out. I spent my time in bed reflecting and thinking about how to get myself back.
Successful community launch
Our community launch on September 23rd somehow landed at the perfect time, because it was my first week feeling "back" and I was on fire. All of the passion came flowing through me. I had a lot to catch up on but I took on hard situations, that I had created for myself, and persevered. The following week I spent the week in Cabo, Mexico with 50+ other entrepreneurs. It was an amazing time for learning and growing as a new business owner, spending time having discussions in the pool and meals with smart people.
Excited to dive into client work
So this fine Saturday morning is filled with amazing client work—drafting the first pass of a Developer Relations strategy for a great hosting company, building an Airtable to track a different client's results from our advocacy strategy for this week during KubeCon, as well as drafting a blog post about their product in our community.
Back to writing & creating Devocate content
Getting to the point, I had to pause Devocate content creation for the last week or so. However, I'm excited to dive into lots of new content & future topic weeks, great new sponsors, & other exciting offerings that I brainstormed while in Cabo. I'm back and the content is going to be better than ever. 🙌
Quick Updates
From the Devocate Blog
Community Discussions
- Hi from Peritus.ai—Fast answers to cloud-native questions in Slack & Chrome
- Conquering The Fear of Contributing to Open Source
- A Faster Way to Track Down Bugs
- How to Sync an S3 Bucket with GitHub Actions
- From Zero to Hero: Quick Tips to Navigating Open Source Like a Pro
- Add Fuzzy Search to Your Web App with this Open Source Tool
Slack Conversations
- 01-announcements We added Peritus to our Slack community
- 01-announcements Nominate your favorite DevRel professional
- 02-intro-chatter Asking about internal developer advocacy
- 02-intro-chatter Welcome Sydney
- 03-job-board Developer Advocate at Transform
- 05-developer-advocacy Query Meetup Tool
- 06-devrel-talk Building internal DevRel at current company
💼 JOBS 💼

Sponsored Job
Codeable Community Support
We're excited to be searching for the next member of our Expert Community team, a person with a passion for community. Day to day tasks may include writing content, talking to experts in our community and supporting other teams to find the right talent in our community for specific projects. We need someone who is day to day focus is engaging with our developer community and finding new ways to excite, educate and make them feel included.
Community Job Postings
- Codeable Community Support at Codeable
- Developer Growth Advocate at Filebase
- Developer Advocate at Uploadcare
- DevRel Engineer at Appwrite
- Developer Advocate at Slack
- Senior Technical Marketing Engineer at Cloudbees
- Developer Relations Intern at Dolby Laboratories
- Developer Advocate at Velocity
- Developer Relations at CTO.ai
- Developer Community Manager at Rasa
- Developer Advocate at r2c
- Developer Advocate at Openbase
- Developer Advocate at Aiven
- Developer Educator at Aiven
- Tech Evangelist at DronaHQ
- Developer Advocate at Camunda
- Developer Advocate at BigCommerce
- Developer Advocate / Technology Evangelist at Blindnet
- Developer Advocate at Miro
- Developer Educator at Posthog
- Developer Advocate at Pinecone
- Developer Relations at Spacelift
- Senior Developer Advocate at Cube.dev
- Senior Developer Advocate at Vantage
- Developer Evangelist at Zeplin

Cracking the DevRel Interview at Google
I am currently leading the DevRel hiring for Google India. After interacting with DevRel leaders from across the globe who happen to be my Hiring Managers, I feel like I can offer some general tips on how to do well in DevRel interviews.

What is Developer Relations? An Interview with Twilio Developer Evangelist @LaylaCodesIt
As I explore options for the next phase of my career, I've grown more and more curious about the emerging role of developer advocates in the software engineering world. In this interview, I discuss the role with Layla, a developer evangelist for Twilio.

Career Change: How I Became a Developer Advocate
Last year, I changed careers from Tech Writing to Developer Relations at Cockroach Labs. This blog post details how the Flex Friday, Learning is Good, and Roachermobile programs at Cockroach Labs helped me reinvent my career.

Interview tips from Google Software Engineers
Google Software Engineers Oliver, Tremayne, and Vivian share their advice for engineering interviews at Google.In this video they answer:0:03 What are coding...

Making an impact as a developer advocate: an interview with Colby Fayock
In this interview, we talk to Colby Fayock, developer advocate at Applitools, about finding high-impact educational topics, keeping open lines of communication, and building trust with your audience.

DevRel for Beginners: What to Know and How to Get Started
Like many DevRel professionals, Ravi Lachhman began his tech career as a software engineer. He embraced an iterative, trial-and-error approach to development. He also found that he learned best by teaching others.

Building a Developer Relations Team: Interview with Lorna Mitchell
Lorna Mitchell runs a Developer Relations team at Aiven, a company that manages open source database infrastructure for their clients. She shares her insights on launching a DevRel team, documentation, reporting structure, and how and where to best engage developers.

A fresher’s guide to DevRel | Hacker Noon
Today marks the first anniversary of my DevRel life a.k.a I’m no longer a fresher. By popular demand, here’s an article explaining what it takes to be in DevRel right at the start of your career and the work that it actually involves.
Acing the DevRel Interview
I gave my 100th Developer Relations interview this week. I’ve also been on Google’s Developer Relations hiring committee for almost two years. After writing up or reading about all these interviews, I feel like I can offer some general tips on how to do well on DevRel interviews. Of course, standard caveats apply. I’ve only done DevRel at Google and only know Google’s hiring process inside and out. But, I believe the tips below are general enough to apply to many other companies as well.