Our community launched this week!
We had a very successful community launch on Thursday and it was thanks to all of you. Huge shoutout to Codeland Conf and the team over at Forem for allowing us to participate in their awesome conference as a sponsor.
We also hosted a Developer advocacy AMA Twitter Space yesterday that was rich with amazing content, speakers, and attendees. We can’t thank everyone who participated enough, it was successful because of the folks who joined—we just brought people together!
We’re planning to do a Twitter Space every week on the topic of the week. Next weeks topic is Building Your Personal Website (as a developer advocate). Join our Twitter Space at 12pm CST/7pm CET
PS: We’re always looking for Twitter Space speakers & content contributors, let us know if you’re interested in contributing. 🙌
From the Devocate Blog
Community Discussions
Help us launch! 📣
If you're excited about what we're building, we'd really appreciate your support. Here are a few ways you can help advocate for Devocate. 📣
- Join this Community
- Upvote us on Product Hunt
- Share this post
- Retweet our launch annoucement tweet
- Add your developer advocacy roles to our job board
- Sponsor Devocate & drive awareness across an audience of developer advocates
💼 JOBS 💼

Sponsored Job
Codeable Community Support
We're excited to be searching for the next member of our Expert Community team, a person with a passion for community. Day to day tasks may include writing content, talking to experts in our community and supporting other teams to find the right talent in our community for specific projects. We need someone who is day to day focus is engaging with our developer community and finding new ways to excite, educate and make them feel included.

Sponsored Job
Developer Growth Advocate at Filebase
We're looking for a highly motivated technologist to join our team as a Developer Growth Advocate and help grow the Filebase brand across our ecosystem.
Community Job Postings
- Codeable Community Support at Codeable
- Developer Growth Advocate at Filebase
- Developer Relations Intern at Dolby Laboratories
- Developer Advocate at Velocity
- Developer Relations at CTO.ai
- Developer Community Manager at Rasa
- Developer Advocate at r2c
- Developer Advocate at Openbase
- Developer Advocate at Aiven
- Developer Educator at Aiven
- Tech Evangelist at DronaHQ
- Developer Advocate at Camunda
- Developer Advocate at BigCommerce
- Developer Advocate / Technology Evangelist at Blindnet
- Developer Advocate at Miro
- Developer Educator at Posthog
- Developer Advocate at Pinecone
- Developer Relations at Spacelift
- Senior Developer Advocate at Cube.dev
- Senior Developer Advocate at Vantage
- Developer Evangelist at Zeplin

History of Modern Developer Relations by Brandon West, Kickbox
This video is one of DevRelCon Tokyo 2017.https://tokyo-2017.devrel.net

What is Developer Advocacy?
Since joining Microsoft I’ve gotten a lot of questions about Developer Advocacy so I’d like to take a moment to explain what it is and why it’s important.

What the heck is a Developer Advocate?
by Wassim Chegham What the heck is a Developer Advocate?TL;DR: A developer advocate is a developer’s best friend!Photo by Helena Lopes on UnsplashFor the past three years or so, I have been dedicating my professional time and a huge amount of my personal time to help

What is Developer Advocacy? And how can it benefit business to business and business to consumer
Developer advocacy often gets described in terms of common tasks: * Community * Writing content * Developing code samples * Inspiring developers to build * Collecting feedback and sharing it

What is the role of a developer advocate?
A few of high profile speakers in conferences and big companies have the designation "Developer...

On Developer Advocacy
What does a developer advocate do exactly? Why do companies hire them? Developer advocates are developers of a framework/platform who communicate the features and updates in the platform, and build tools for developers.

What exactly is the job of a developer advocate?
Answer: Many tech companies have Developer Advocate positions. In general, a Developer Advocate is a software-focused technical person who has good communication and community-building skills. The responsibilities of the role typically are some or all of the following:
1) Acting as a steward o...

🎩 Developer Advocacy: How Am I Helping Developers?!
Read this post to find out about how Ahmad and his friends helped other developers throughout 2017 and more. Ahmad is a full-time open source developer whose software projects are used by the likes of engineers at Google, Facebook, Netflix, etc. In this post he shares his meetups, software apprentices, and news about dev-advocacy.
What is Developer Advocacy?
“Developer Advocacy has many names. You may have heard it referred to as Developer Relations or Evangelism, and while these roles vary company to company, we all essentially do the same thing — We …

What exactly do developer advocates do?
15 developer advocates talk about what their jobs entail and how they landed them.

On Developer Advocacy
Naming things is hard. I've talked before about the term 'evangelism' and my ...

DOP 119: Developer Advocacy or Engineering?
You've been in engineering for a number of years. Is now the time to make the switch to developer advocacy or should you stay in engineering?

The Deal with Developer Advocacy | MarcySutton.com
Musings about frontend code, accessibility, web development consulting, and life.

DevRel for Beginners: What to Know and How to Get Started - The New Stack
The developer relations role is growing in popularity. But getting there can be a windy path. People who have made the journey offer advice to aspiring evangelists.

Getting better at Developer Relations
Originally published in April 2021, but still feels relevant Much to my own surprise, a number of...